
Your Career Accelerator Guide To Improved Success

Your Career Accelerate Guide To Improved Success

Building Teams

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Building Teams

Give your career aspirations the much-needed boost to advance your career into a dynamic progressice role that makes a difference

This self paced Course is meant for individuals who are getting into being a team (leader, manager or being a part of a team)

  • Knowing Strengths of your Team
  • Setting Expectations
  • Prioritising Wisely
  • To Be A Successful Team Player
  • Driving Emotional Intelligence
  • Understanding Delegation
  • True Success In A Build Up


  • Managing Your HR During An Appraisal
  • What are the essentials in Motivating Self & Team Accountability At Work
  • Accelerating Your Career

Advanced Bonus

  • Managing Work Efficiently
  • Accelerating Your Career
  • Work Life Balance



01. Experienced

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02. Trusted

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03. Curriculum

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04. 24/7 Support

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